2015年8月23日 星期日



I am five feet one and not five feet four, though I wouldn't mind if I were. I was once ninety pounds and wished I were a hundred twenty; now I am a hundred thirty-five pounds and still wish the same

I have a quick temper. I am contrary and stubborn. If you play rough, can play rough; if you are reasonable, I will beat you in reasonableness. If I see a wrong, I cannot look on but must meddle with what is none of my business.

and parents of good families told their children to stay away from the front door, instead of watching the world go by.
【注:good families的中文是「講究人家」,又為good字多添了一種譯法(對照楊必把good Christian, a good parent, a good child, a good wife or a good husband譯為:虔誠的教徒,慈愛的父母,孝順的兒女,賢良的妻子,盡職的丈夫);看熱鬧譯為watching the world go by也極好。】

    The year 1899 was about as good as any to be born in if I had had my choice.

      He looked at me with his eyes of wisdom that brought four thousand years of China into the twentieth century.

趙元任的雙關 (害喜篇)


到了[1921]830日,我們搭乘「西伯利亞丸」從上海經日本去舊金山。到船上為我們送行的有胡適、林炳南(Lin Pingnan)(她同學貢虹的兄弟)、商務印書館的高夢旦等人。我們為每人叫來冷飲。胡適看到韻卿在玩弄檸檬汽水,喝得並不多,他說:「楊大夫,也許我語無倫次,我想你不是暈船,可能是『害喜』吧?」在中文裡「有喜」便是懷了孕。

 By August 30 [1921], we went on board the S. S. “Siberai Maru” to sail from Shanghai to San Francisco via Japan. Seeing us off on board before departure were Hu Shih, Lin Pingnan (her schoolmate Kuanhung’s brother), Kao Mengtan of the Commercial Press, and others. We ordered softs for everybody. Seeing that Yunching was playing with her lemon soda without drinking much of it, Hu Shih said: "Dr. Yang, I may be speaking out of turn. But I don't think you are seasick. Could it be that you are "hsi-sick?" For to have hsi in Chinese means to be with child. 




Hu Shih remarked: "Dr. Yang, perhaps I shouldn't say this, but I don't think you are sea sick. Could it be that you are hsi-sick?" For the Chinese expression yu hsi "to have gladness" means to be with child.