2016年11月1日 星期二

[4.筆名篇] 王安琪教授2015《愛麗絲幻遊奇境與鏡中奇緣》中的抄襲、改寫與錯誤

[39頁注2] 但他不是名Lewis Carroll不便單稱他為Carroll,就像馬克吐溫……

[說明] 這可能是王教授的個人發明,言之成理,但似乎英美學界人士沒有這種想法。別人不談,Martin GardnerThe  Annotated Alice, The Definitive Edition中,就經常單獨使用Carroll,不勝枚舉。例如第xix頁:

There has been much argumentation about whether Carroll was in love with Alice Liddell. If this is taken to mean that he wanted to marry her or make love to her, there is not the slightest evidence for it. On the other hand, his attitude toward her was the attitude of a man in love. We do know that Mrs. Liddell sensed something unusual, took steps to discourage Carroll’s attention, and later burned all of his early letters to Alice. There is a cryptic reference in Carroll’s diary on October 28, 1862, to his being out of Mrs. Liddell’s good graces "ever since Lord Newry’s business.” What business Lord Newry has in Carroll’s diary remains to this day a tantalizing mystery.


Twain was raised in Hannibal, Missouri, which later provided the setting for Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. After an apprenticeship with a printer, Twain worked as a typesetter and contributed articles to the newspaper of his older brother, Orion Clemens. 

